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This Toolkit provides information and resources about a Participatory Photography (also known as PhotoVoice) research project on women’s safety on university campuses. The research was conducted at a midsized university in Southwestern Ontario, Canada between 2015 and 2016.


The purpose of this toolkit is to support researchers and educators through stages of participatory photography projects, from planning and development to knowledge dissemination. The contents may also be useful for researchers, educators, and social justice advocates working in the area of violence against women and/or women's safety. 

We encourage others' use of all documents provided in this toolkit!  

If you would like to use any of the information or documentation found in this toolkit, please cite using the following reference (unless noted otherwise in a specific document):


Jeffrey, N. K., & Crann, S. E. on behalf of the Research Facility for Women’s Health and Wellbeing, University of Guelph (Ellard-Gray, A., McLean, K. M., Erb, S. R., Barata, P. C.). (2016). The Participatory Photography and Women’s Safety Research and Knowledge Mobilization Toolkit.

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